Sunday, October 31, 2010

CHA-TPA-CHA July 2010 pt.2.

After 6 days in paradise, it was time to head home.  By that time, I was ready to see my family and my precious pets.  As usual, before I pass security, I sat with my grandmother and reflected on the trip.  About 25 minutes prior to boarding, I passed pre-security security, and was off to complete my adventure.

Pictures at TPA

N6711M, the airplane that is about to take me to Atlanta as flight 1903.
N977AT operating as airTran flight 572, taxis in after a flight from Baltimore.

I decided to tour TPA's newest terminal before departure.  I must say, it is a spotter's paradise!

Airside E, the newest airside at the Tampa airport.

N332NB awaiting passengers for a flight to Hartford as Delta Air Lines flight 333.
N562AA loading up for a flight to New York-JFK as American Airlines flight 1786.
N495UA almost ready for its passengers to Chicago-O'Hare; operating as United Airlines flight 569.

After my quick tour, I decided to head on back to gate 62.  Good thing I did, boarding had already started.  I was, yet again, one of the last zones to board.  It gave me a chance to rest a little.  When I boarded the flight, I was greeted by the purser of the flight, Ms. Washington.  She has to be one of the friendliest flight attendants that I have ever had.  Once I got to my seat, I was greeted by Delta's IFE.  This was a part of the trip that I was looking for!

Flight #3:
Delta Air Lines Flight 1903 7/12/2010
N6711M (delivered 9/27/2000)
Seat: 26A
TPA-  E62              RWY: 36L
ATL-  B29              RWY: 26R
ETD: 11:10am  ATD: 11:07am
ETA: 12:44pm  ATA: 12:41pm
Crew: F/A's- Ms. Washington, Greg, Clarence, Dave  C/A- Kinko  F/O- Elsie
Base: ATL
I/B:   1891 ATL
O/B: 2941 SAT
Load Factor: 25/26F + 158/158Y= 183/184= 99%
Cruising info: FL340 @ 471kts.
12th flight on B757-200
1st flight on aircraft
Map: DL 1903

About ready to pushback for Atlanta.
I loved the IFE on this flight!
One of the best spotting places at TPA
The other spot, better for seeing Airside A and F
Cabin Shot.
Push back was 3 minutes early, a good start to a chaotic day of travel.  After a short taxi to 36L, we were off.  Flight time was 1hr12min.

The takeoff video can be found here: Delta Air Lines 1903 Take-off TPA

Climb out.

Over the Gulf, we hit some minor turbulence, followed by moderate turbulence.  That was when the Captain got on the P/A and told the crew to take their seats.  It was my luck, Greg and Dave were only a couple of rows ahead of me.  Oh well, I'd prefer to do without if it means that the crew are safe.  As we continued, it got progressively darker and more bumpy.  Finally by around CSG, all clouds were pitch black.  After a very bumpy and shaky descent, the pilot landed 1903 on 26R.

Descending into stormy Atlanta.
Note how it gets progressively darker...
And darker...
And darker....

The landing video can be found here: Delta Air Lines 1903 Landing ATL Full Length  *Note I did have this video broken up.  The 2 landing videos can be found on my YouTube channel.

After a short taxi, we pulled into gate B29. 

My gate.
After people started deplaning, I made my way past 2L, the door being used, and made my way up to the cockpit, to ask if I could take a cockpit shot.  The guys welcomed me in their office, which I commented to the capt. as being very roomy.  After talking to the capt. for a few minutes, he offered to take a picture of me, in the F/O seat, and said I could wear his hat.  How could I resist?! So after that picture, I took the usual shot, thanked him, and made my way back up the F cabin.  I bumped into Ms. Washington, and talked to her for a minute.  She could tell that I was very interested in flying and asked what I wanted to do.  After talking to her for a minute, I exited the aircraft, thanking all the crew members.

The ultra-roomy cockpit.

On time: 10/10
Aircraft: 10/10
Crew:    10/10
Seats:    10/10
Service: 10/10
Avg:      50/50=A+

Pictures at ATL:

The aircraft that brought me from Tampa, about to head off to San Antonio as Delta Air Lines flight 2941.
HL7493 being loaded up for a LONG flight to Seoul-Incheon as Korean Airlines flight 36.
N710DN heading to Tokyo and Singapore as Delta Air Lines flight 281.
N839AS, the airplane that will carry me to Chattanooga; Delta Connection flight 5177. N931EV taxis into its gate after performing Delta Connection flight 5371 from Tallahassee, in the background.

More ATL pics can be found on my Flickr page (link at the end the post)

By about 1:30, I was HUNGRY! I first found my gate, D34- which, by the way did NOT have A/C.  Not acceptable!  I bought some fries, took some more pics, and sat and watched airplanes pass by.  At about 1:35, boarding commenced, this time in an orderly fashion.

Flight #4:
Delta Connection Flight 5177 7/12/2010
N839AS (delivered 1/7/1999)
Seat: 8A
ATL-  D34          RWY: 26L
CHA- 3               RWY:20
ETD:   2:08pm  ATD:   2:00pm
ETA:   2:59pm  ATA:   3:02pm
Crew: F/A- Christopher  C/A- Dominic  F/O- Alex
Base: ATL
I/B:   5530 GTR
O/B: 5035 ATL
Load Factor: 35/50= 70%
Cruising info: 10,000ft @ 353kts.
9th flight on CRJ-200
1st flight on aircraft
Map: DL 5177

As I was boarding, I could tell that there were storms in the area.  I was hoping that we would make it out before the storm moved in.  It was not to be.

Cabin shot.
Wing shot; will the storms hit before we make it out?
Ramp shot as storms roll in.
N645DL taxis in after a flight from Vegas; operating as Delta Air Lines flight 2038.

N886AS position-and-hold.

After a lengthy wait, we were finally #2 for departure.  I kept my eye on 886 as she started her roll down 26L.  Sure enough, 886 exited the runway.  Dominic came over the P/A and told us that all departures and arrivals had been halted.  Bummer!  Finally after about 15 minutes of waiting, we were cleared for take off.  After this downpour, we were the first aircraft out.   

N886AS being told to exit the active.
Kind of blurry, I know, but look at the angry clouds.

The takeoff video can be found here: Delta Connection (ASA) 5177 Take-off ATL

Climb out from stormy ATL.
It is amazing how it can clear up in just about 30 to 40 miles!

Christopher didn't schedule any cabin service for our short flight.  In the long run, it was a good idea, because there was turbulence.  Not too long after we reached 10,000ft, we started our descent into CHA. After a short 24 minute flight time, Dominic brought 5177 down for a smooth landing on runway 20.  As we taxied in, we were greeted by an ASA CR7, 1 airTran 717 and an airTran 73G, all of which had been diverted from ATL.

Pictures at CHA:

N379CA a diversion from Newport News enroute to Atlanta as Delta Connection flight 5535.
Cockpit of N839AS.

The landing video can be found here: Delta Connection (ASA) 5177 Landing CHA

N839AS being loaded up for a flight to Atlanta, which won't depart for another 3 hours! Poor passengers.

On time: 10/10
Aircraft:   9/10 (-1 I really couldn't see out the window, at all!)
Crew:      9/10
Seats:    10/10
Service:   9/10     Avg:      46/50=B+

N512AE, performing American Eagle 4658, a diverted flight enroute from New York-La Guardia to ATL.
N809EX operating as US Airways Express flight 4142 to Charlotte, is preparing for departure about 4 hours past scheduled departure time.
It is good to see this gal! N309AT carried me from Atlanta to San Diego, in October '09, for a mission trip to Mexico. She was diverted enroute from Seattle to Atlanta as AirTran flight 46.
N981AT is parked awaiting clearance to continue its flight, as AirTran flight 853, from Minneapolis/St. Paul to Atlanta.

Despite a minor delay waiting for departure, this was leg was a breeze. I would say that post-merger Delta is a whole different animal.  If good prices prevail, I will defiantly fly Delta again.

More pics from my trip can be found on my Flickr page:
Please tell me what you think and if, and where, I can improve.



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