Tuesday, June 7, 2011

CHA-CLT-CHA June 2011 pt.1.

The night before my day trip, I could not sleep at all. I kept waking up and looking at the clock. Finally, 4:00am came. I quickly got up and got ready. My father and I were out by 4:15am. The drive to the airport was a snap, and we were there by 4:25. There was only one other customer ahead of us. When it was our turn, the gate agent said, “I have something to tell you.” At that point, I knew what she was going to say, “Your flight has been cancelled.” I beat her to it, and she confirmed my intuition. Thankfully, a van was waiting for us. Four other people boarded, and we were off at 4:45. What truly irked me was the fact that maintenance had discovered the problem the night before, and ferried it out. This was all by a 10pm, leaving plenty of time for another aircraft to be ferried to Chattanooga, or to have passengers notified.

Flight #1:
Delta Connection Flight 5583
N902EV (delivered 3/20/2002)
Seat: 10A
CHA- 3                  RWY: N/A
ATL- C57              RWY: N/A
ETD: 5:45am        ATD: 4:45am
ETA: 6:31am        ATA: 6:40am
F/A: N/A
C/A: N/A
F/O: N/A
Base: N/A
I/B: 5241 ATL
O/B: N/A
Load Factor: 6/50 on van, 47/50 scheduled on flight
Cruising Info: 3ft @ 75mph
10th flight on CRJ-200
1st flight on aircraft
Map: DL 5583
The driver made great time. We pulled up front of check-in only 9 minutes past DL5583’s scheduled arrival time. 

Here is ASA 5583. Spectacular, no?

On time:    0/10
Aircraft:    0/10
Crew:        0/10
Seats:        0/10
Service:     0/10
Avg.:          0/50=F--

After a breezy check-in, and security (full body scan for me), we made our way to A11.

Flight #2:
Delta Air Lines Flight 1058
N769NC (delivered 5/10/1978 to North Central)
Seat: 18A
ATL- A11               RWY: 27R
CLT- A3                 RWY: 18C
ETD: 7:40am         ATD: 8:17am
ETA: 8:58am         ATA: 9:41am
F/A: Sue Ellen, Conrad, Shan
C/A: Dave
F/O: Mike
Base: DTW (PMNW)
I/B:   2274 BNA
O/B: 1058 ATL
Load Factor:   95/125= 76%
Cruising Info: FL230 @ 434kts
4th flight on DC-9-50
1st flight on aircraft
Map: DL 1058

I stopped for some Starbucks and joined my father. He then informed me that boarding would be a little late, due to maintenance issues with the number 2 engine, APU problems, electrical issues, and air conditioning problems. In order for us to be able to board, the crew had to do an engine run. 

My aircraft, N769NC, performing Delta Air Lines 1058 to Charlotte.

N630DL- Delta Air Lines flight 323 to San Juan.

Departure Board

N674DL- Delta Air Lines flight 2127 to Fort Lauderdale.

Finally at 8:05, our zone was called. Due to a light load, boarding was finished in no time. However, Maintenance had not finished with the aircraft. 

Preparing for departure to Charlotte.
N6704Z- Delta Air Lines flight 676 to Washington-National.

Cabin Shot

Aisle Shot
N523US- Delta Air Lines flight 1625 from Baltimore.

Finally at 8:20, we pushed back, and then held in position by A15 for 5 more minutes. 

N987DL- Delta Air Lines flight 511 to Jacksonville.




N3742C- Delta Air Lines flight 937 from Raleigh-Durham.

Terminal F, to be opened next April.

After a quick taxi, waiting for 3 other aircraft to takeoff, we took off. After takeoff from 27R, we made our way to EATWO. From there we headed to the Greenwood VOR (GRD) and then began our UNARM1 STAR.

The takeoff video can be found here:  Delta Air Lines 1058 Take-off ATL

Initial Climbout

A look back at the field.

Initial Descent into Charlotte.

The flight was uneventful, no drink service for this short hop (though I thought we deserved something due to all the delays we had). We touched down on 18C at 9:31; 27 minutes shy of an hour delay.

The landing video can be found here: Delta Air Lines 1058 Landing CLT

Crossing runway 5/23

N15986- Resting between operating flights:
Continental Express flight 2044 from Houston-Bush &
Continental Express flight 2666 to Houston-Bush


Wing view after parking at A3.

Cockpit view

N769NC unloading luggage after arriving, with me, from Atlanta.

Delta Air Lines flight 1058 departure board.

N769NC- starting to load up for the return flight, Delta 1058, to Atlanta.

We then taxied to gate A3, where we had to wait for the ground crew, ugh! After we deplaned, the captain and first officer had a good chat with the station manager. Wonder why?

On time:   7/10
Aircraft:   7/10
Crew:       9/10
Seats:      7/10
Service:   9/10
Avg.:      39/50=C

Part 2 will be in the next post....


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